The last days of September are quite special in Sepúlveda (and not only because of the end of the harvest and the beginning of fall). During those last days of September one of the most intimate and dearest celebrations of the Villa takes place: the celebrations in honor of its patron saint “Nuestra Señora de la Virgen de la Peña”.
The celebrations take place in “El Campo de la Virgen”, an ample plain at the foot of the church that adopts the name of the Virgin. It is a celebration without stridency, without loudspeakers, without anything superfluous. A celebration under the light of the lanterns, in the shelter of the Brotherhood, where the most important elements are the people who attend and what they share. Neighbors and friends (all are welcome) participate in the celebrations, processions and “remates”. The “jotas” and dances go on until nightfall when all together share what is brought from home. The small wooden kiosk that is installed in one corner dispenses beers and wines by the “meter”.
This year the celebrations will be from September the 19th to October the 1st.